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University of Aberdeen
- Calibrating Geothermometers: integrating field, laboratory and well data for appraising thermal maturation of organic matter (Supervisors: Dr D K Muirhead, Dr A T Brasier)
- How responsive are coastal carbonate depositional systems to relative sea-level change? (Supervisors: Professor Rob Butler, Professor John Howell, Dr Rosanna Maniscalco (Univ. Catania) and Dr Agata di Stefano (Univ. Catania))
University of Exeter
- A fully coupled XFEM model for hydraulic fracturing in multi-phase porous media. (Supervisors: Professor Akbar Javadi, Professor John Coggan)
Imperial College London
- Pushing Mature Basins into the AI revolution: Using Neural Networks to Extract Quantitative Information from Core and Thin Section Images. (Supervisors: Dr Cedric John, Professor Olivier Dubrule)
- Pore scale modelling of foam flow in porous media. (Supervisors: Professor Stephen Neethling, Dr Paul Grassia (University of Strathclyde), Dr Pablo Brito-Parada)
University of Strathclyde
- Constraining the role of faults as seal-bypass systems. (Supervisors: Professor Zoe Shipton, Dr Becky Lunn, Liz Petrie (Western State University), Jim Evans (Utah State University), Davie Richie (Anadarko))