Constitution and purpose
The Training Academy Committee is constituted as one of the Committees of the NERC Centre for Doctoral Training (CDT) in Oil & Gas and reports directly to the NERC CDT Management Board which is the organisation’s primary management decision making body. The Training Committee makes recommendations to the Management Board and Industry Advisory Board on strategies and resources for the CDT training programme and on the quality of the student learning experience from the Training Academy provision
- To produce the 3 year training programme schedule for each of the PhD entry cohorts in consultation with NERC CDT acad emic and industry partners and PhD students
- To develop a range of Training Academy providers to ensure that a balance of approaches, techniques and views in all four of the NERC CDT research themes is given
- To pursue exchange/joint activities with international groupings similar to the NERC CDT e.g. iCrag
- To monitor, evaluate and review the training programme schedule for the quality of student experience and relevance to career opportunities in both industry and academia
Composition and frequency
The Chair is taken from the CDT core academic partners with a minimum of 6 additional members, split equally between the industry and academic partners, including at least one representative from the associate academic partners. Members are expected to serve for up to three years. The Committee should meet, either in person or by conference call/email, at least 3 times per annum. Where possible, meetings should coincide with Training Academy residential courses to provide an opportunity for Committee members to meet CDT student cohorts to obtain direct feedback and experience of the Training Academy provision.
A written agenda and minutes should be produced and published on the restricted Members’ Area of the NERC CDT in Oil & Gas website. All industry and academic members of the NERC CDT should have the opportunity to propose items for the Committee’s agenda, which should be published at least a week in advance of the relevant meeting.
The minutes/reports on action from the Training Academy Committee will be standing items for review on the agendas of all other NERC CDT Committees and Training Academy Committee members can request to attend meetings of the other CDT Committees to speak to any item from the minute of their meetings.
- Andy Aplin (Durham)
- Andy Bell (Shell)
- Mads Huuse (Manchester)
- Anna Korre (Imperial College London)
- Andy Robinson (Equinor)
- Zoe Shipton (Strathclyde)
- NERC representative (observer)